Should New England’s second largest city have a top-notch rapid transit system? We think so!
Worcester, with a growing population and a thriving economy, lacks a frequent, reliable, and fast public transit system. Other cities across the globe have found that better transit systems can be built through what they call Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). While Worcester might not have the population and density to support a subway or expensive trolley network, Bus Rapid Transit is a relatively inexpensive and efficient way for residents, workers, and visitors to get around. A unique feature of these systems is their limited stops and dedicated traffic lanes, enhancing the speed of the buses.
Students and faculty in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University have been studying the public transit system in Worcester for several years and have developed preliminary proposals for establishing a novel enhancement to the current Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) bus system. In 2022, Professor Justin Hollander wrote an op-ed in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette outlining the basic idea. This was later endorsed by The Boston Globe in an article featuring a preliminary route map made by the Tufts team.
The current system’s irregular service, combined with slow traffic (further exacerbated during commuting hours) results in mobility challenges for Worcester residents, with the poorest and most disadvantaged being particularly impacted. This project will support the Tufts team and our community partners to prepare a detailed formal proposal for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Worcester to address these injustices and create a fairer and more inclusive transportation system.
The proposal will be developed with input from a range of community-based organizations and government agencies in Worcester—current partners include the Worcester Caribbean American Carnival Association (WACA), Strong Towns Worcester, Center for Living and Working, Riders Action Council, and others. The final proposal will be disseminated widely through a campaign to implement Bus Rapid Transit in Worcester.
Change will take a strong community and many partnerships, and your support will help immensely. Your contribution will allow us to partner with local community groups to develop a plan for new fast and reliable public transit in Worcester.
We are so very grateful for the many generous contributors who made donations to bring real rapid transit to Worcester, Massachusetts. Thank you!
We’re also happy to see the buzz this is all creating, with media coverage including a live radio interview by Professor Hollander on AM830 WCRN’s “Talk of the Commonwealth” show and a story in the Tufts Daily. You can listen here: and read the Daily story here: We’ve also launched a website where we’ve posted research and details about our partners and plans:
86 days ago by Tessa Buckley
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